


Resource TypePosted On
Copy cell contents to same cell on different worksheet if contains Mar 14
If Cells Have a value, copy and paste into new worksheetAug 09
Copying current cell's value to another cellDec 30
Different font (type and size) in one cell containing concatenatedDec 02
to see if text in a cell in a column is contained in any cell Dec 26
Function needed to split the content of a cell intomany cellsDec 07
Function needed to split the content of a cell into many cellsFeb 10
Copy Value produced by formula in cell C3 to cell D3Feb 22
Cell validation based on the contents of previous cellFeb 05
How to copy automaticly (..using VB) my active cell after cell entry in differen...Sep 21
Check content of cell and delete content if criteria isn't metFeb 02
Help with Formatting a cell holding a custom worksheet functionJan 24
Run-Time Error 9 - Trying to refer to cells in worksheetSep 12
Copying Controls with a WorksheetJan 24
Copy worsksheets and paste values only into new worksheetAug 29
copying data in various worksheets to one otherAug 15
Problem copying/pasting with variable in worksheet nameMar 04
Run-time error '1004' copy method of worksheet class failedFeb 18
Break links from Worksheet copyFeb 11
Run-Time Error '1004' (Copying worksheets)Oct 27
run-time error 1004 "Copy method of Worksheet class Failed'Jan 11
Error Message when trying to Copy WorksheetJan 12
Copy and paste between worksheet with total rows unknownMar 15
Excel Macro help - conditional copy and paste from one worksheet to anotherDec 18
Excel data transfer automatically from master worksheet to other worksheetsAug 11
Need help coping images (gif pictures) from worksheet to worksheetSep 08
referencing another worksheet in different workbook?Feb 19
compare data from different worksheetsAug 18
Need help coping images (gif pictures) from worksheet to worksheetFeb 07
cells containing formula that refer to user-defined VBA functionSep 02
Can I lock formats, but not cell contents?Aug 18
Add ( ) to cell contentsSep 21
Copy cells from Excel to WordNov 21
modify cell (delete) contents using macroMar 19
Copying Tables from Word and Pasting them to Cells in Excel Nov 12
Macro help newbie: VB conditional if statement to copy paste cellJan 31
This code does not work if i copy & paste above one cellJan 07
Select random cell in list and highlight contentsJan 21
copy a range of cells to another sheetMar 04
Copy data from active cellAug 28
Help with Selecting a Cell on a different SheetOct 26
Grabbing the value of a cell in a different workbookNov 07
Too many different cell formats errorFeb 05
Find a match in a range and copy contents to templates workbookMar 02
Copying Filtered data to a different rangeSep 06
A Paragraphs in one cells --> convert into a line in per cellsNov 13
Action taken by Excel when a condition causes a cell's value Aug 25
Moving data in the last cell of row to another column cellSep 17
active cell no longer advances to cell belowDec 06
Update a cell based on a DDE updated cell valueAug 10